Official Theme: monochrome

Theme monochrome has colors between black and white. There are many possibility that printed documents and published books has only black color. This theme is useful for those kind of situation.

The styling rules are the same as those for the default theme. If you are unfamiliar with these rules, please refer to the documentation for the default theme first, as this document does not provide detailed styling information.


Theme monochrome posses 7 colors between black and white.


Theme monochrome color chart

Here is a list of the colors. You can use ColorsThemeMonochrome to retrieve RGB codes by their names.

  • black: RGB(0, 0, 0)

  • charcoal: RGB(39, 39, 39)

  • graphite: RGB(63, 63, 63)

  • gray: RGB(127, 127, 127)

  • silver: RGB(191, 191, 191)

  • snow: RGB(239, 239, 239)

  • white: RGB(255, 255, 255)

Style Names

Here is a list of style names.

style table
 1from drawlib.apis import *
 6# +----------------+---+-------+------+------+-------+-------------+------------+--------+--------------+-------------+
 7# | class \ name   |   | light | bold | flat | solid | solid_light | solid_bold | dashed | dashed_light | dashed_bold |
 8# +----------------+---+-------+------+------+-------+-------------+------------+--------+--------------+-------------+
 9# | IconStyle      | x | x     | x    | x    |       |             |            |        |              |             |
10# | ImageStyle     | x | x     | x    | x    | x     | x           | x          | x      | x            | x           |
11# | LineStyle      | x | x     | x    |      | x     | x           | x          | x      | x            | x           |
12# | ShapeStyle     | x | x     | x    | x    | x     | x           | x          | x      | x            | x           |
13# | ShapeTextStyle | x | x     | x    |      |       |             |            |        |              |             |
14# | TextStyle      | x | x     | x    |      |       |             |            |        |              |             |
15# +----------------+---+-------+------+------+-------+-------------+------------+--------+--------------+-------------+
17# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+
18# | class \ name   | black | black_light | black_bold | black_flat | black_solid | black_solid_light | black_solid_bold | black_dashed | black_dashed_light | black_dashed_bold |
19# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+
20# | IconStyle      | x     | x           | x          | x          |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
21# | ImageStyle     | x     | x           | x          | x          | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
22# | LineStyle      | x     | x           | x          |            | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
23# | ShapeStyle     | x     | x           | x          | x          | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
24# | ShapeTextStyle | x     | x           | x          |            |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
25# | TextStyle      | x     | x           | x          |            |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
26# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+
28# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
29# | class \ name   | charcoal | charcoal_light | charcoal_bold | charcoal_flat | charcoal_solid | charcoal_solid_light | charcoal_solid_bold | charcoal_dashed | charcoal_dashed_light | charcoal_dashed_bold |
30# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
31# | IconStyle      | x        | x              | x             | x             |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
32# | ImageStyle     | x        | x              | x             | x             | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
33# | LineStyle      | x        | x              | x             |               | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
34# | ShapeStyle     | x        | x              | x             | x             | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
35# | ShapeTextStyle | x        | x              | x             |               |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
36# | TextStyle      | x        | x              | x             |               |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
37# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
39# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
40# | class \ name   | graphite | graphite_light | graphite_bold | graphite_flat | graphite_solid | graphite_solid_light | graphite_solid_bold | graphite_dashed | graphite_dashed_light | graphite_dashed_bold |
41# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
42# | IconStyle      | x        | x              | x             | x             |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
43# | ImageStyle     | x        | x              | x             | x             | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
44# | LineStyle      | x        | x              | x             |               | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
45# | ShapeStyle     | x        | x              | x             | x             | x              | x                    | x                   | x               | x                     | x                    |
46# | ShapeTextStyle | x        | x              | x             |               |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
47# | TextStyle      | x        | x              | x             |               |                |                      |                     |                 |                       |                      |
48# +----------------+----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+----------------+----------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
50# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
51# | class \ name   | gray | gray_light | gray_bold | gray_flat | gray_solid | gray_solid_light | gray_solid_bold | gray_dashed | gray_dashed_light | gray_dashed_bold |
52# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
53# | IconStyle      | x    | x          | x         | x         |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
54# | ImageStyle     | x    | x          | x         | x         | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
55# | LineStyle      | x    | x          | x         |           | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
56# | ShapeStyle     | x    | x          | x         | x         | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
57# | ShapeTextStyle | x    | x          | x         |           |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
58# | TextStyle      | x    | x          | x         |           |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
59# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
61# +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+---------------+---------------------+--------------------+
62# | class \ name   | silver | silver_light | silver_bold | silver_flat | silver_solid | silver_solid_light | silver_solid_bold | silver_dashed | silver_dashed_light | silver_dashed_bold |
63# +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+---------------+---------------------+--------------------+
64# | IconStyle      | x      | x            | x           | x           |              |                    |                   |               |                     |                    |
65# | ImageStyle     | x      | x            | x           | x           | x            | x                  | x                 | x             | x                   | x                  |
66# | LineStyle      | x      | x            | x           |             | x            | x                  | x                 | x             | x                   | x                  |
67# | ShapeStyle     | x      | x            | x           | x           | x            | x                  | x                 | x             | x                   | x                  |
68# | ShapeTextStyle | x      | x            | x           |             |              |                    |                   |               |                     |                    |
69# | TextStyle      | x      | x            | x           |             |              |                    |                   |               |                     |                    |
70# +----------------+--------+--------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+---------------+---------------------+--------------------+
72# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
73# | class \ name   | snow | snow_light | snow_bold | snow_flat | snow_solid | snow_solid_light | snow_solid_bold | snow_dashed | snow_dashed_light | snow_dashed_bold |
74# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
75# | IconStyle      | x    | x          | x         | x         |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
76# | ImageStyle     | x    | x          | x         | x         | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
77# | LineStyle      | x    | x          | x         |           | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
78# | ShapeStyle     | x    | x          | x         | x         | x          | x                | x               | x           | x                 | x                |
79# | ShapeTextStyle | x    | x          | x         |           |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
80# | TextStyle      | x    | x          | x         |           |            |                  |                 |             |                   |                  |
81# +----------------+------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------------+-----------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+
83# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+
84# | class \ name   | white | white_light | white_bold | white_flat | white_solid | white_solid_light | white_solid_bold | white_dashed | white_dashed_light | white_dashed_bold |
85# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+
86# | IconStyle      | x     | x           | x          | x          |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
87# | ImageStyle     | x     | x           | x          | x          | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
88# | LineStyle      | x     | x           | x          |            | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
89# | ShapeStyle     | x     | x           | x          | x          | x           | x                 | x                | x            | x                  | x                 |
90# | ShapeTextStyle | x     | x           | x          |            |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
91# | TextStyle      | x     | x           | x          |            |             |                   |                  |              |                    |                   |
92# +----------------+-------+-------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------------------+------------------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------+

Color: default


Theme Style default

Color: black


Theme Style black

Color: charcoal


Theme Style charcoal

Color: graphite


Theme Style graphite

Color: gray


Theme Style gray

Color: silver


Theme Style silver

Color: snow


Theme Style snow

Color: white


Theme Style white