
Class dsart.Table is used for drawing table.



You can draw pyramid with these procedure.

  1. Initialize instance

  2. Apply table styles

  3. Draw table with providing coordinate, size and matrix table data

API Specification


Initialize instance. No args.


Clear all styles. No args.


Apply predefined styles.


  • name (Literal[“default”, “monochrome”, “white”]): The name of the predefined style.


Sets the style for both column and row headers.


  • background_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color of the headers.

  • textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style of the headers. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.


Sets the style for the column header.


  • background_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color of the column header.

  • textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style of the column header. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.


Sets the style for the row header.


  • background_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color of the row header.

  • textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style of the row header. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.


Sets alternating styles for even and odd rows.


  • even_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color for even rows.

  • even_textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style for even rows. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.

  • odd_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color for odd rows.

  • odd_textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style for odd rows. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.


Sets the style for specific cells.


  • background_color (Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, float]]): The background color of the cells.

  • textstyle (Union[str, ShapeTextStyle]): The text style of the cells.

  • Can be a string key for predefined styles or a ShapeTextStyle object.

  • rows (Optional[List[int]]): A list of row indices to apply the style to. If None, applies to all rows.

  • columns (Optional[List[int]]):

  • A list of column indices to apply the style to. If None, applies to all columns.


Sets the style for table borders.


  • top (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the top border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • top2 (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the secondary top border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • bottom (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the bottom border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • left (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the left border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • left2 (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the secondary left border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • right (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for the right border. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • between_columns (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for borders between columns. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.

  • between_rows (Union[str, LineStyle, None]): Style for borders between rows. Can be a string key for predefined styles or a LineStyle object.


Draws the table with equal-sized cells.


  • xy (Tuple[float, float]): The coordinates where the table should be drawn.

  • width (float): The total width of the table.

  • height (float): The total height of the table.

  • data (List[List[Any]]): The data to be displayed in the table.


Draws the table with flexible cell sizes.


  • xy (Tuple[float, float]): The coordinates where the table should be drawn.

  • column_widths (List[float]): A list of widths for each column.

  • row_heights (List[float]): A list of heights for each row.

  • data (List[List[Any]]): The data to be displayed in the table.